Add resources

Add resource

To add a resource, follow these steps:

  1. Click , the following window appears:
  1. Select the resource type then enter the resource name,
  2. Drag the resource file you want and drop it in the specified area, or click and browse for the file you want,
  3. Drag the icon file, if you want, and drop it in the specified area, or click and browse for the file you want,
  4. Click the “Article Id” and select the article numbers to which you want to assign this resource,
  5. Enter the sort order, if you want,
  6. Select whether you want the resource to be cascaded to child catalogs or not by clicking the slider button, cascaded resources can be copied to child catalogs as mentioned in “Copy resources“,
  7. Enter the category and description, if you want,
  8. Click Save to add the resource and close the window or Save and New to add it and open a new window. The resource is added to the list.