Catalog model details

Catalog model details

To view a catalog model details, click its record or select View record from the Actions menu next to it, the following window appears:

Model details and attribute values are displayed. The model reation, deletion, reactivation dates are also displayed. If the model is New, only the created date field will show the date, while if the model is deactivated, the drop date value is shown in the Drop date field, and if the model is reactivated, the reactivation date field will show the respective date.

Articles assigned to the catalog model can be displayed through the Articles tab as shown in the below example:

Articles are listed, for each one the article number, model name, and model number are displayed. To assign an article to the catalog model, you can either create an article or assign an existing one. The following section discuss the steps for assigning articles to catalog models.

The Sizes tab displays the list of sizes for the selected catalog model as shown in the below example:

Sizes are listed along with the size index and sort order.