Add price group

Add price group

To add a price group, follow these steps:

  1. Click , the following window appears:
  1. Enter the name of the price group,
  2. Enter the description, if you want,
  3. Click the “Currency” field and select the currency for the price group,
  4. Click the slider button next to Editable, to allow assigning values for article prices under this price group,
  5. Select the state if you want to prevent users from changing the price for colorways with this state or a later one,
  6. Click the slider next to Allow change request for size scale, if you want change requests to be created for size scale changes, a message appears informing the user that a change request should be created,
  7. Click Save to add the group and close the window, or Save and New to add it and open a new window. The price group is added to the list.