Request to add similar style

Request to add similar style

You can add a request to add similar style and enter the number of colorways. Separate requests are created depending on the number entered. The style name should be entered. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the article you want then select “Request to add similar style” or select the article you want then click Request to add similar style, the following window appears:
  1. Enter the request attributes,
  2. Enter the style name,
  3. Add attachments, if you want,
  4. Select whether you want to save the request as a draft or as a new request by clicking the respective button.

The request thumbnail appears as shown in the below example:

Requests can then be approved or rejected.


  • If the catalog is configured to copy the style price, the retail price is copied into a configured request attribute (MSRP) from the existing style and the value can be edited.