Set sizes (single)

Set sizes (single)

You can set or update a size scale for a single article by selecting “Set Sizes” from the Actions menu next to the article you want, the following window appears if the article belongs to a master catalog:

The “Parent Size Scale” field is empty and not editable as the selected catalog is a master one. Select the size scale you want then click Save. Sizes are added to the article and you can view them.

If you are setting a size scales for an inherited catalog article, the window appears as shown below:

The “Parent Size Scale” is not editable but you can select the size scale of the child catalog article and click Save.


  • Size scales of the inherited catalog articles should always be the same or within the range of the size scales set for the master catalog articles. If you are updating the size scale for a master catalog article that will cause the size scale of the inherited catalog to be out of range, T1 will automatically set the size scales of the master to the inherited catalog articles.