Export forecast

Export forecast

To export forecasts, follow these steps:

  1. Click Export, the following window appears:

If options are saved, a menu appears enabling you to select the export option you want as shown below:

Select the option you want, the Format window is skipped. You can delete any of the saved options by hovering the mouse over it then clicking the Delete icon.

  1. Select “Forecasts”, if no option is selected, then click Next, the following window appears:
  1. Click Next, the Filter window appears:

If the selected customer is “Full Range”, the window appears as shown below to enable you to select the customer you want:

Select the customer and location, then click Next,

  1. Select the location(s) then click Next, the Options window appears:
  1. Select the attributes you want to include in the Excel file then click Next, the Review window appears:
  1. Click Finish, a window appears to enable you to enter the file name and the location where you want to store it.

The exported forecast file appears as follows: