Browse catalog

Browse catalog

Catalog articles are displayed within a tree structure that is created in T1 for the selected catalog. The system supports more than one tree and you can select the tree you want from the menu as shown in the below example:

The catalog tree is hidden by default. To view it, click :

Articles are displayed within a tree structure that is created in T1 for the selected catalog. You can search for a specific category by clicking then typing the category you want, articles are filtered accordingly.
To open a node, click it or click the + sign next to it, or click the open node to close it, and you can click any node to view its articles. To hide the catalog tree, click . You can change the thumbnail size by clicking . The information displayed in article thumbnails can be configured at the catalog level.

You can use the quick filter field to filter for articles with specific attribute value as shown in the below example:

Once you start typing, matching values are displayed as shown in the below example:

A maximum of 5000 results are displayed. When X is clicked, articles are cleared.

You can sort articles by attribute values, either ascending or descending, by clicking the then selecting the attribute. Sorting is configured at the catalog level. You can also use custom sort to sort articles based on attribute values. When this option is selected, the following window appears:

Select the attribute, its values are displayed in the Available values section as shown in the below example:

You can click the checkbox next to any of the values then move it to the sorted values section and drag the values and drop them according to your preference, and click Save. Based on the selected order, articles are sorted.

Through this page, you can also add request articles and specify their attributes as mentioned in “Add Request Article“.
If the catalog is configured, you can browse the catalog by article, by styles, or by the specified attributes by clicking then selecting the option you want. For more information on browsing articles by attributes, refer to “Catalog buckets“.

To group articles within rows and columns based on attribute values by clicking . You can also save the view by clicking the Save button. More details are provided in “Saved Views” section.
You can filter articles by clicking , filter fields are displayed as shown in the below example:

More details are mentioned in “Filter Articles“.
You can import forecasts by following the steps mentioned in “Import forecasts“.
To select an article, click the checkbox next to it or right-click the article you want then click Select article. To select all articles, press Ctrl + A or click the checkbox next to Select all. When one article or more is selected, the following options appear:

You can deselect the selected articles, save their images in a compressed file, copy the article number to clipboard, or edit the favorite tags by clicking the button then selecting the favorite tag you want. Update segmentation and article attributes options are only available for Live catalogs. For more information on updating segmentations, refer to “Edit segmentation” and for more information on updating multiple articles, refer to “Update multiple articles“. You can assign resources to articles as mentioned in “Assign resources“.
You can generate slides for the displayed articles by clicking the Generate Merch Slides button then selecting the template you want. Follow the steps that are mentioned in the “Merchandising Boards” module for each template.
To deselect an article, click it again, or click Deselect.


  • You can right-click any of the articles to get the following options:

This menu provides shortcuts to different functions that you can perform on the catalog articles. You can view the article details by clicking Show Details, select and deselect an article, or select all articles, save images, and copy the article number. ​

  • If images are not available for any of the articles, a placeholder image can be assigned to the article. You can also change the color of the placeholder image as shown in the below example:

The “Print” watermark can be added to the article thumbnail if you want.

  • If the catalog is configured to generate article summary based on specific attributes or price groups, summary charts can be generated as mentioned in “Article summary“.
  • While browsing articles, keyboard shortcuts are also available as follows:
    • Ctrl + A to select all articles
    • F3 to add the selected articles to the default favorites tag
    • Ctrl + F to find an article, the following window appears:

You can enter a minimum of four characters then press Enter to start the search. A count of matching articles is displayed, and the text is highlighted on the thumbnail. You can move to the next or previous matching articles by clicking (>) and (<).

  • For stock catalogs, the catalog can be configured to display only articles with available stock values.