Add comp style

Add comp style

To add comp styles, follow these steps:

  1. Click Add comp Style then click Next, the following window appears:
  1. Select the article you want, or add all articles by pressing Ctrl + A,


  • If you select more than one article, articles are added directly without updated the attributes.
  1. Click Next, the following window appears to enable you to update the attributes:
  1. Enter the style name, and the number of style copies you want to create,
  2. Enter the attribute values,
  3. Click Add, a window appears showing the progress. Once it is complete, click Ok, the article is added to the catalog tree as per the attribute values based on which the tree is defined.


  • If any of the attributes is dependent on another attribute value, a tooltip appears next to the it. The attribute vetting list is managed by the Support team.