Add request for carryover article

Add request for carryover article

You can add a request for an article carried over from any of the catalogs linked to the selected catalog. The last updated article in any of the linked catalogs is added. To add a carryover article request follow these steps:

  1. Click + Article, then select “Add Request for Carryover Article” and click Next, the following window appears:
  1. Enter the article number of the linked catalog, then click Next, the following window appears:
  1. Fill the request attributes,
  2. Add attachments, if you want,
  3. Select whether you want to save the request as a draft or as a new request by clicking the respective button.

The article is marked as shown below:

You can approve or reject the request by following the steps mentioned in “Request Article Actions“.


  • If the catalog is configured, you can select a color for the placeholder image of the requested article.