

Through the Orders module you can create orders, import orders, fill orders with orderlines and specify their quantities, and send those orders to T1 for processing, among other actions.

Orders are automatically synchronized with T1, so if an order is in T1 and not in T1 Studio web, it is automatically created on T1 Studio Web, and if the order exists in both T1 and T1 Studio Web, the older order is overwriten.

Go to Orders, the following window appears:

Orders are listed. For each one, the order reference, customer number, customer name, location code, location name, order status, order quantity and value, are displayed. You can use the filter function to search for specific orders using any of the columns and update columns and their sequence using the column chooser.

Orders can have one of the following statuses:

  • Draft: the order is created and not yet sent to T1 for processing.
  • Submitted: the order is sent to T1 to be processed by the authorized users, e.g. approved, rejected, confirmed, etc.
  • Approved: the order is approved by authorized users.
  • Disapproved: the order is approved by authorized users.
  • Reopened: the order is open, and can be updated then submitted again to T1.

The following sections discuss how to create a new order, fill orders, import an order and send it, etc.