Edit prices

Edit prices

You can edit prices for one or more colorways. To do so, view the colorway and select “Edit prices” from the Actions menu, the following window appears:

Enter the prices then click Update. You can also select multiple colorways then click Edit prices and repeat the steps mentioned above.


  • If the flag “Apply price by style” is activated for the catalog, the price is updated for all the colorways of that style, if the user has the required privileges.
  • If prices are locked for the selected colorway state, they cannot be updated and fields are deactivated as shown in the below example:
  • If the colorway is locked, prices cannot be changed directly, and the change should be approved by authorized users in Change management module. Below is an example:

Admin users can click the slider to skip the change approval. Also, when the Price by style slider is activated for the catalog and prices are updated for a model that has at least one locked colorway, the update should be approved through the change management module.