Export order form

Export order form

You can export an order form to Excel to fill the quantities for the exported order lines, then import the form back to T1 Studio.
To export order forms, follow these steps:

  1. Click Export, the following window appears:

If options are saved, a menu appears enabling you to select the export option you want as shown below:

Select the option you want, the Format window is skipped. You can delete any of the saved options by hovering the mouse over it then clicking the Delete icon.

  1. Select “Order Forms”, if no option is selected, then click Next, the following window appears:
  1. Click Next, the following window appears:
  1. Click the radio button next to the option you want:
  • If you select “Full catalog” all the articles are exported.
  • If you select “My favorite”, a dropdown menu appears to enable you to select the favorite tags you want.
  • If you select “From Excel”, you need to browse for the Excel file containing the articles, select the sheet and map the columns.
  • If you select “Selected Articles”, you need to paste a list of article numbers.
  • If you select “List of styles”, you need to paste a list of model numbers.
  1. Click Next, the following window appears:

Customers and locations are listed in the left side of the window and you can use the filter field to search by location code, location name, customer code, and customer name.


  • The above window will also be skipped if you select any of the saved options.
  1. Click the location to which you want the order to be copied, it is moved to the selected locations box, or click Add All to copy the order to all the locations,
    You can also copy a list with the following format:
    customer code1 location code1
    customer code2 location code2
    then click Add from Clipboard, this list is automatically added to the selected locations box.
  1. Select the columns you want to include in the order form, you can either drag and drop those columns or click the checkbox(es) next to the columns you want the click the arrows,


  • You can drag and drop columns to change the sequence in which they appear in the exported Excel sheet.
  1. Click the slider button next to “Include Images” if you want the order form file to have article images,
  1. Click Next, the Review window appears:

You can save the options you selected, if you want, by clicking Save Option, the following window appears:

Enter the name you want then click Save.

  1. Click Finish, a window appears to enable you to enter the file name and the location where you want to store it. If you selected to include images, progress for downloading the images is displayed.

The exported order form appears as follows:

The sheet lists the selected set of articles along with their sizes, prices, and other attributes. The first row of the sheet contains the customer name and customer code, while the second row contains the location name and location code. Each location has a separate column. The third row displays the column headers for the order data plus empty fields that are allocated for the order reference. The first row of each article size and delivery date is highlighted. To overwrite an order, you can fill the field with its order reference to overwrite it.

If the customer is not assigned to the same segmentation of the article, the location column appears highlighted in grey and quantities cannot be entered, otherwise, it is highlighted in light green as shown above.


  • If the exported form contains more than 30,000 records, then the output will be split into multiple files each with up to 30,000 records given that order lines belonging to the same articles are not split between multiple files. The generated files will have the name you entered as filename(1).xls, filename(2).xls, etc.
  • If the catalog flag for stocks is activated, then stock quantity column can be included in the exported file, if user is not logged in as full range.

You can fill the quantity you want to order next to each size, then save the Excel file. This form can be imported to the system to add the order.