Update request attributes via Import

Update request attributes via Import

You can import a file to modify the request attributes of existing requests of type “New” or “Draft”.


  • Mapping is done based on the request Id, so its important to make sure that no changes are done to this field in the exported request file.
  • If you have the required privileges, you can update requests of other users, otherwise, you are only authorized to update your own requests.

To import a file to update the request attributes, follow these steps:

  1. Click then select “Import Requests Attributes”, the following window appears:
  1. Drag and drop the file you want or click Select File to browse for the file you want to import,
  2. Click Next, the following window appears:
  1. Select the slide button if you want to update the request attributes and select the sheet you want from the dropdown list then click Next,
  1. Select the column of the sheet that matches each field then click Next, the following window appears:
  1. Click Import, a message appears informing you that requests attributes are imported.

If any of the records have invalid values, the window shows an error as shown in the below example:

Click Get Results to open the Results sheet, fix the invalid records then import the file again.


  • If changes are not reflected on the page, refresh the browser by pressing F5.