Saved view comments

Saved view comments

Comments enable you to have a discussion with certain users on specific aspects related to the saved view. Only the user who created the discussion can end it.


  • In order to add a comment, you need to be connected to the internet.
  • You can click the Refresh button to retrieve the comments added by you and by other users.

To add a comment, follow these steps:

  1. Select the view you want then click the Comments icon then select Add Comment, the following window appears:
  1. Enter the comment title and body,
  2. Click Add Comment, the comment is added as shown in the below example:

You can click the comment to view it and filter the comments by user. If the comment, is not added by you, you can view it and enter a new comment.

You can click the refresh button to load the comments of other users.

The End Discussion button appears only for the user who added the first comment or started the discussion. To end a discussion, click the button, the following message appears:

Enter the comment you want to add the discussion with then click Ok. Users can view comments for ended discussions but they cannot participate in them.